วันพุธที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Adjust Heat (2)

STACKING. Stacking is one of the fine features of Rena-Ware.
The 3-ply construction of the dome cover and other utensils
which can be inverted and used as covers, makes it possible to
stack one utensil n another to finish cooking. For satisfactory
results when stacking one utensil on another (Two high is the
limit for cooking) follow these instructions. before direct heat
until a water- seal forms and the food is thoroughy heated
through. hen it is stacked onto another utensil that has
been heated until the water-seal has formed on it.

Here are some foods that are ideally suited to stacking:
Rice cooks fluffy yet moist if brought to a boil over medium
heat then stacked to inish cooking allow atleast 30 minutes,
and long cookig will not spoil it.

Sun-Dried fuits-prunes, apricots, peaches, apple and any
combianation of these will cook without pre-soaking. wash
fruit, just coverwith warm water: cover utensil and vring to
boil on medium heat. Sack to finsih cooking. Foe sulfur-dried
fruit, boil 10minutes uncovered on medium heat, then cover
and stack. Sulfur stains covers when fruit is not boiled
uncovered at first.

When root vegetables such as carots, bees, turnips and par-
snips are going tobe stacked, itis best to dice them short-en
cokoking time. Potatoes are not a good choice for stacking-Green
vegetables, especiay cabbage ,brussels sprouts, cauil- flower
and frozen peas,cook in 6 to 10 minutes after the water- seal forms.
They are not improved by longer cooking so are best not sracked.
These vegeables will cook while last minute meal preparations
are being made.Should dinner be elayed, stack, foods can be kept
warm for serving.
Although food does not cook in the top utensil of a three-high stack,
foods can be kept warm for serving in the top utensil og a three-
high stack.
TOP-STOVEBKING. So-called top-stove "baking" can be done as well in
Rena-Ware as in other pans; howevwr, t best this is amke-shif method of
''baking''. lt is not baking at all. Baking means "cooking n dry heat in an oven."
Anytime a cover is put on a pan food steams or cooks, the food does not "bake"
. Even in an oven, when a pan is covered, the food does not "bake".

Such foods as cakes, pies, biscuilts, muffins, and breads are baked in the oven
in vaking pans designed for the purpose. No kitchen would be modern without an
oven, and modern insulated obens are economical to use.

