วันศุกร์ที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Directions for Top-of-Range Roasting

Beef,Lamb pork and Veal
Rena-Ware holds heat and uses it so effciently that preheating
the utensil is not necessay. Always place cold roast in cold
utensil, fat side down; then place on range and turn heat to
medium or medium high. Allow about 6 minutes before
turning meat. Meat sticks to utensil at first, but loosens itself in
a few minutes. Turn to Brown all sides. When roast has been
turned to brown last side, add salt and seasonings; cover utensil
No water is needed. meat cooks in its own juices. When water-seal
forms, turn to low heat and cook approximately the same time as
when oven roasting. Adjust heat to maintin water-seal (see
Beef should be cooked to the rare, the medium, or the well-done
stage according to personal taste. pork and veal must be well
cooked, and lamb is better if well done. Rena-Ware low-heat
are tender and delicious. see instructions .

Top-of- Range Roasting of poulty
singe, wash clean and fully drees poulty. Rub inside with salt,and
stuff ifdesired. Do not pack stuffing too tightly. Truss bird as for
oven roasting. Dry poultry and rub entire bird with shortening.
Place in Dutch oven,dome cover, orfrypan depend-ing on size of
poulty. place utensil on range and turn to me-dium heat. Brown well
on all sides, turning frequently. Turn breast-side down and reduce heat
to low. Cover and cook 20 to 30 minutes per pound. Trun occasionally
During roasting. Giblets may be cooked in 1 to 2cups water to make stock
for gravy. see instructions below for gravy.

Oven Roasting
To roast tender cuts in the oven-salt the roast and place inlarge frypan or
4-quart dome cover and cook uncovered at 325 degrees. Use a meat
thermometer for accrate results. Roasting time is approximately the same
for accurate results. Roasting time is approximately the same for top-of-rane
and oven roast-ing High heat is not necessary to brown or sear the meat.
Browning occurs as meat coo; lessshrinkage occurs at low temperature roasting.
steam tray may be used as a rack if you prefer to roaston a rack.

When roast is done therewill be brown drippings for grav. Re-move roast and
pour off allbut about 2 tablespoons of fat.Place utesil on range over medium heat.
Stir in two table-spoons of flour for each cup of gravy. Add warm water gradual-ly,
stirring constantly and cook until smooth and thick Season to taste

